Reduced Enrollment

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) requires all F-1 students to be full-time enrolled each long semester (fall and spring), and in some cases summer sessions, in order to maintain status.

See the international student enrollment webpage for more information about required semesters. An F-1 student may be authorized by the UT Dallas ISSO to take a reduced course load and still maintain F-1 status.

In order to maintain F-1 status, a student must obtain written authorization from an international student advisor prior to reducing his or her course load.

Consult other campus offices to determine if reducing your hours at UT Dallas will affect other items, including scholarships, TA/RA positions and campus housing.

There are a number of eligibility requirements and restrictions. Please speak to an international student advisor for more information.

Reduced Course Load

Due to Academic Reasons

Students in the following situations may be eligible for reduced enrollment, if documented by an international student advisor and the appropriate academic professionals:

  • Initial difficulties with the English language or reading requirements (only applicable in student’s first semester in the U.S.)
  • Unfamiliarity with American teaching methods (only applicable in student’s first semester in the U.S.)
  • Improper course level placement (only applicable after term add/drop deadline)

Students will fill out a Reduced Course Load Due to Academic Reasons form with their academic advisor and submit it to

F-1 students can only be authorized for reduced course load due to academic reasons once per educational level.

Due to Medical Reasons

Students experiencing a serious medical illness or condition may be eligible for reduced enrollment, if documented by an international student advisor and the appropriate medical professional.

The ISSO will process any Reduced Course Load Due to Medical Reasons that has been endorsed by a U.S. Licensed Physician. However, we urge students to use caution when requesting authorization for a medical condition that relates to pregnancy or childbirth. While a “normal” pregnancy, may present challenges for an F-1 student, it is not clear that the USCIS will view these as “medical conditions” should they decide to review the situation of a student who has received such authorization.

Students will fill out a Reduced Course Load Due to Medical Reasons form with their doctor and submit it to

F-1 students can have no more than 12 months (in aggregate) of reduced course load for medical reasons during any one course of study.

Due to Thesis/Dissertation

Students who have completed all of their coursework and who are only required to enroll in a thesis/dissertation course may request a reduced course load. With this authorization, the student can enroll in fewer credit hours of the thesis/dissertation course.

 University policy states that a student must maintain continuous enrollment of at least 3 semester credit hours.

To request this authorization, students must request their academic department to fill out the Reduced Course Load Due to Thesis/Dissertation form and submit it to

F-1 students using this option for multiple semesters must submit a new RCL request each semester.

Due to Curricular Practical Training

Graduate students who are participating in a full time CPT which lasts for 11 weeks or more may be eligible for reduced enrollment every other long semester (i.e., graduate students who reduce enrollment due to full time CPT in the fall could reduce enrollment due to full time CPT in the following fall). Undergraduates must maintain full-time enrollment each long semester.

Students do not need to apply for this reduced enrollment option. Eligibility for this reduced enrollment option will automatically be reviewed and will be indicated on page 1 in the remarks section of the CPT I-20.

Due to Completion of Degree Requirements in the Current Term

Students who are completing their degree requirements in the current term are only required to enroll in the courses needed to complete their studies provided they apply for graduation by Census Day of the graduating term. However, if only one course is required, it cannot be a distance education course.

Students do not need to submit a request form to the ISSO. Reduced enrollment is automatically authorized when a student applies for graduation by Census Day.

Due to Concurrent Enrollment

Students can maintain F-1 status by completing courses concurrently at another institution while remaining on a UT Dallas I-20 if they meet all the requirements listed on the Concurrent Enrollment Form.

Application Process

  1. Identify possible concurrent courses.
    • At least half of the F-1 required hours must be taken at UT Dallas. Undergraduate and graduate students must take at least 6 hours at UT Dallas.
    • Only one distance education course can apply to those required hours.
  2. Verify with a UT Dallas academic advisor that the courses meet degree requirements.
  3. Submit a Concurrent Enrollment Form to the ISSO by Census Day of each semester of concurrent enrollment. Receive ISSO approval with a signature on the form.
  4. Enroll and complete the approved concurrent courses.
  5. Provide documentation to the ISSO that you completed the approved concurrent courses to meet F-1 enrollment requirements. The most convenient source for most students in an online grade report. Email your documentation to
  6. Arrange for the transfer of credit to the UT Dallas Registrar’s Office.

Resources for Pregnant and Parenting Students

The University of Texas at Dallas is committed to creating an accessible and supportive environment for pregnant and parenting students in compliance with Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Texas Education Code, Section 51.982, and other applicable federal and state laws.

For more information, see UTD’s Pregnant and Parenting Resources. For additional questions, contact the Title IX Coordinator at 972-883-2306 or