Economic Hardship & Special Student Relief

Severe Economic Hardship is an F-1 work exception reviewed by USCIS on a case-by-case basis for students who experience a severe financial hardship caused by circumstances beyond their control after obtaining F-1 status. Some examples of circumstances beyond the student’s control:

  • Unexpected changes in the financial condition of the student’s sponsor.
  • Loss of financial aid or on-campus employment if the loss is not the student’s fault.
  • Unexpected medical bills in the U.S. not covered by insurance.
  • Large increases in tuition or living costs.
  • A substantial fluctuation of currency in the student’s home country.

See our Economic Hardship Guide for details about the application requirements and process.

Fast Facts

  • Provides one year of off-campus work authorization before completion of studies.
  • Economic Hardship is not limited to one year and can be renewed. If applying for renewal, the student must repeat the same application process and show a new unforeseen circumstance or explain why the same unforeseen circumstance continues.
  • Authorizes work up to 20 hours per week while school is in session, 21 or more hours during school breaks.
  • Work does not have to be related to the student’s program of study.
  • Student must maintain full-time enrollment.
  • Approval for an Economic Hardship EAD does not affect the duration of optional practical training (OPT).
  • Student not authorized to work until the EAD is received and the start date listed on the EAD has arrived.
  • If you transfer to a new school, your Economic Hardship work authorization automatically ends.


  • Valid F-1 status.
  • Lawfully enrolled full-time in a U.S. university for at least one academic year (two long semesters).
  • Good academic standing (minimum 3.0 GPA for graduates, 2.0 GPA for undergraduates).
  • Since arriving in the U.S. something unexpected happened to your funding, such as a sponsor dies or unexpected medical bills.
  • You have looked for an on-campus job and have been unable to find sufficient work.
  • Employment must not interfere with carrying a full course of study.
  • The student is not required to have a job offer to apply for Economic Hardship.

Application Process

  1. Read our Economic Hardship Guide. We strongly suggest you set an appointment to speak with an international student advisor to review requirements and required documents before you submit your request.
  2. Submit the Economic Hardship Request Form, Economic Hardship Budget Sheet, and supplemental documents (as noted on the request form) to See our processing times.
    • You will submit a letter explaining the need for Economic Hardship work authorization and any additional evidence related to your situation.
    • Include copies of previously issued EAD cards, if you have any.
  3. The ISSO will send an email to your UT Dallas email address when the I-20 is ready. Filing instructions will be included with the I-20.
  4. File your application with USCIS.Use code (c)(3)(iii) in the Eligibility Category field.
  5. If approved, USCIS will send you an Employment Authorization Document (EAD) authorizing off-campus employment.

Special Student Relief (SSR) is a suspension of restrictions related to on- and off- campus employment eligible for F-1 students facing severe economic hardship due to emergent circumstances, as determined by the DHS secretary.

See our Special Student Relief Guide for details about the application requirements and process.

Fast Facts

  • Only F-1 students from countries that have been issued a Federal Register Notice by DHS are eligible to apply for SSR.
  • Work on- or off-campus for more than 20 hours while school is in session and engage in a reduced courseload while working.
  • Authorization length of time is determined by DHS secretary as indicated on the SSR FR notice for the specific eligible country.
  • Requires DSO authorization, and if applying for off-campus SSR, also requires USCIS authorization.
  • SSR Reduced Course Load authorization can only be granted if student works full-time (more than 20 hours per week) either on- or off-campus. SSR RCL still has a minimum credit hour enrollment requirement:
    • 6 credit hour minimum per semester for Undergraduate students
    • 3 credit hour minimum per semester for Graduate students
      • All students must enroll in at least 1 face-to-face course


  • Valid F-1 status.
    • Exception: Citizens of Ukraine in valid J-1 status are also eligible.
  • Student has citizenship in one of the eligible countries that has been issued a SSR Federal Register Notice by DHS.
    • Exceptions: Residents of Hong Kong (regardless of country of birth) and Palestinians of any nationality or without nationality with identifying documentation are also eligible for SSR.
  • Good academic standing (minimum 3.0 GPA for graduates, 2.0 GPA for undergraduates).
  • Have lawfully resided in the United States for the dates indicated in the relevant FR notice.
  • Were physically present in the US on the effective date of the relevant FR notice.
  • Have reported on time to your designated school official (DSO) and been enrolled in an SEVP-certified school (including UTD) since the relevant FR notice/event.
  • Are currently maintaining (active) F-1 status.
  • Are experiencing severe economic hardship.
  • Are enrolled full-time (or have received RCL authorization) at the time of your request for employment authorization.
  • If applying for on-campus SSR authorization, student must already have existing on-campus employment.
    • Note on TA/RA/GA employment: Some scholarships or TA/RA positions may require full-time enrollment. Additionally, those with TA/RA/GA positions will require approval from the UTD Office of Graduate Education when applying with the ISSO for SSR off-campus or on-campus employment authorization. Please communicate with the appropriate academic department about your situation before dropping below full-time enrollment.

On-Campus SSR Application Process

  1. Read our Special Student Relief Guide. We strongly suggest you set an appointment to speak with an international student advisor to review requirements and required documents before you submit your request.
  2. Log into iComet and begin the Special Student Relief e-form under the Current Students section.
  3. Complete all three e-forms:
    • The first form reviews your eligibility for SSR.
    • The second form requires submission of the following documents:
      • A personal statement (see SSR Guide p.5 for examples)
      • Your most recent I-20
      • Your I-94
      • Your F-1 visa
      • Your passport (or other proof of citizenship or nationality)
      • Your Travel History (optional)
      • Your unofficial transcript
      • A completed Budget Sheet
      • *If you are a TA/RA/GA, you will also need to submit proof that the Office of Graduate Education has granted you permission to work more than 20 hours and/ or for an additional employer. The third form consists of the employment authorization request. Fill out the information for your on-campus employment.
    • The third form is the employment authorization request.
      • For on-campus employment authorization, you will need to upload a copy of the offer letter of your current on-campus employment.
  4. Submit the request. If your request is approved, you will receive a letter and an updated I-20 with a remark about on-campus SSR approval on page 1.
    • Note: On-campus SSR students cannot begin to work more than 20 hours per week on-campus or reduce their credit hours until they receive approval from the ISSO.

Off-Campus SSR Application Process

  1. Read our Special Student Relief Guide. We strongly suggest you set an appointment to speak with an international student advisor to review requirements and required documents before you submit your request.
  2. Log into iComet and begin the Special Student Relief e-form under the Current Students section.
  3. Complete all three e-forms:
    • The first form reviews your eligibility for SSR.
    • The second form requires submission of the following documents:
      • A personal statement (see SSR Guide p.5 for examples)
      • Your most recent I-20
      • Your I-94
      • Your F-1 visa
      • Your passport (or other proof of citizenship or nationality)
      • Your Travel History (optional)
      • Your unofficial transcript
      • A completed Budget Sheet
      • *If you are a TA/RA/GA, you will also need to submit proof that the Office of Graduate Education has granted you permission to work more than 20 hours and/ or for an additional employer.
    • The third form consists of the employment authorization request.
      • For off-campus employment authorization, you will need to upload your completed I-765 Form (Note that the paper I-765 form must be used for Special Student Relief as the application will need to be physically mailed to USCIS)
      • Be sure to use the employment code: (c)(3)(iii) on the I-765
  4. Submit the request. If your request is approved, you will receive a letter and an updated I-20 with a remark about off-campus SSR recommendation on page 1.
  5. Apply for SSR off-campus authorization with USCIS. Refer to the Special Student Relief Guide for mailing instructions. It is highly recommended you set another appointment to speak with an international student advisor for a review of your application packet before mailing.
    • Note: Off-campus SSR Students cannot begin working until they receive their EAD card, and they cannot reduce their enrollment until they begin working full-time with the EAD. When you receive your EAD card, you must email a copy to ⁠