Post-Completion OPT

Optional Practical Training (OPT) is a possible benefit for F-1 students, available after completing one year of full-time enrollment at a U.S. college or university in the academic year immediately preceding OPT.

You must receive OPT I-20 BEFORE filing I-765 with USCIS
If you file the I-765 with USCIS before your OPT I-20 is issued, your application will be denied and your filing fee will be forfeit.

Apply Early!
OPT requests take an estimated 14 – 21 business days to be processed. Learn more about processing times and expedite requests on our Processing Times webpage.



Need a photo for your OPT Application? The UTD Passport Services Office can deliver physical or digital copies of a passport-sized photo, which are the same requirements needed for your OPT application.

Students may request up to one year of Post-Completion OPT per educational level (Bachelor’s, Master’s, PhD). If a student completes multiple degrees at the same educational level (for example, two Master’s degrees), they are still only eligible for one year of OPT at that level.

The information below applies to Post-Completion OPT, which is the one year OPT period that begins after graduating from a program. Students in STEM eligible degrees may be eligible to apply for an additional 24-month STEM OPT extension during the final 90 days of their Post-Completion OPT period.

Application Dates

Urgent Reminder: USCIS must receive your OPT application within 30 days of receiving your OPT Recommendation I-20 from the ISSO, and before the end of your grace period – whichever is sooner. If you submit your application late, USCIS will deny your OPT.

Spring 2025

Earliest date to submit OPT request to ISSO: February 23, 2025

USCIS must receive application on or before: July 23, 2025

OPT Start/End Dates

Earliest OPT start date a student can request: May 25, 2025

Latest OPT start date a student can request: July 23, 2025

Summer 2025

Earliest date to submit OPT request to ISSO: May 25, 2025

USCIS must receive application on or before: October 22, 2025

OPT Start/End Dates

Earliest OPT start date a student can request: May 26, 2025

Latest OPT start date a student can request: October 22, 2025

Fall 2025

Earliest date to submit OPT request to ISSO: September 21, 2025

USCIS must receive application on or before: February 18, 2026

OPT Start/End Dates

Earliest OPT start date a student can request: December 21, 2025

Latest OPT start date a student can request: February 18, 2026

Fast Facts

  • ISSO strongly recommends that if you have any doubts that you may not complete your graduation requirements: do not request an OPT I-20 until you are certain that you will complete your program as planned. Applying for OPT and then failing to graduate can cause complications or endangerment of your F-1 status. If you may fail to graduate after you have applied for an OPT I-20, contact the ISSO as soon as possible to discuss your options.
    • Due to the potential complications noted above, ISSO will not issue early OPT recommendation for individuals who are on continued probation and flagged for possible dismissal. Continued probation students must first receive their final grades and confirmation that they will complete their program to be recommended for OPT. You may refer to the OPT FAQ at the bottom of this page for more information on this policy.
  • Volunteer employment on the UT Dallas campus is not allowed during Optional Practical Training (OPT).
  • OPT workshops are MANDATORY for all students applying for Post-Completion OPT. Students must attend either an in-person workshop, or complete an online session via iComet.
  • Splitting post-completion OPT between two degrees at the same educational level is no longer an option for F-1 students.
  • When you apply for Post-Completion OPT, your I-20 program end date will be shortened. You cannot lawfully work on campus after that date unless your employment is based on OPT work authorization.
  • If you apply for Post Completion OPT based on completion of your dissertation requirements, and that date is prior to the degree conferral date for your graduating semester, you may be asked to pay tuition for that term. Your assistantship will not cover your tuition if you do not remain employed for the full term.

Apply for OPT

To apply for OPT authorization, you will first request an OPT I-20 from the ISSO, and then you will send an application to USCIS.


  • Enrolled full-time for at least one full academic year (two consecutive long semesters).
  • Currently in valid F-1 status.
  • Eligible for graduation.
    • If completing two programs in the same semester, your second major can be listed on your I-20. On your OPT I-20 request, indicate you are graduating from two programs.

Apply for your OPT I-20

  1. Carefully review the information in the OPT Guide.
  2. Attend a mandatory OPT Workshop or complete an online session via iComet.
  3. Pay the $150 Practical Training Fee. Choose “Post-Completion OPT” at check-out.
  4. Log into iComet and submit Post-Completion OPT Request eForm under F-1 Alumni.
  5. You will be sent an email that the OPT I-20 is ready. You will be given filing instructions with your I-20.
    • Check your new I-20 end date! You cannot lawfully work on campus after that date unless your employment is based on OPT work authorization.

Check your new I-20!

Page 1:

  • Check your program end date: You cannot lawfully work on campus after that date unless your employment is based on OPT work authorization.
  • Check your biographical and program information for accuracy
  • Confirm advisor has signed under the ‘School Attestation’ section
  • Print your I-20, sign and date under the ‘Student Attestation’ section
  • Check the remarks: USCIS must receive your OPT application within 30 days of the recommendation issued date. If you have passed 30 days or are close to 30 days, please submit the OPT Re-recommendation request

Page 2:

  • Confirm advisor has signed under the ‘Travel Endorsement’ section
  • Check your Employment Authorization: Your requested start and end date should be reflected with the status as ‘Requested’

Send your application to USCIS

After receiving your OPT I-20 from the ISSO, you will prepare documents for your application to USCIS. You will file your application online or mail your application packet to USCIS. USCIS must receive your application no later than the end of your 60-day grace period. See the USCIS Applications webpage for more details.

For a detailed checklist of the documents you should prepare, see our Post-Completion OPT Guide.


  • You must receive your OPT I-20 BEFORE filing your I-765 with USCIS. If you submit the I-765 before your OPT I-20 is issued, your application will be denied and your filing fee will be forfeit.
  • Review your OPT application packet before mailing by watching the OPT Packet Review Video.
  • Make a copy of your application for your personal file before submitting to USCIS. USCIS must receive your application within 30 days of the date you were recommended for OPT in SEVIS and within 60 days after your program completion date. If the recommendation is more than 30 days old at the time of receipting your application will be denied.
  • USCIS will provide a receipt notice after your submission. Check it for errors!
  • If approved, an Employment Authorization Document (EAD) will be sent typically within 30 days (although it may take longer) to the mailing address listed on the I-765.
  • You can begin work once you receive the EAD and the start date listed on it has arrived.

Report OPT Employment

To maintain F-1 status during OPT you must comply with U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) employment and reporting requirements. DHS requires students to report all changes of address and periods of employment and unemployment while authorized for OPT. To meet your reporting obligations, you must report the information to the ISSO. Please note, while you may also make the updates using the SEVP Portal, you are still required to submit a signed reporting form to the ISSO.

Updates must be reported within 10 days of the start of your OPT work authorization and no later than 10 days after any subsequent change. 

What to Report

Within 10 days of the start of your period of OPT work authorization, you should upload a copy of your EAD card to the Post-Completion OPT Reporting Form in iComet. You must also report within 10 days of any of the following changes:

  • Change in your current U.S. address
  • Legal name change
  • Start or end of employment
  • Change of your employer’s work-site address
  • Change of your employer’s name

How to Report

There are three places you can update your information.

You will receive a confirmation email after the ISSO processes your OPT Reporting Form. The ISSO will issue a new I-20 for the following types of updates:

  • Legal name change
  • Start or end of employment
  • Change of your employer’s work-site address
  • Change of your employer’s name

Report Job Description in iComet

When you report new employment information through the Post-Completion OPT Reporting Form in iComet, you must provide proof of employment and a brief job description.

Keeping documentation of your employment history is an important part of the time spent participating in OPT. While on OPT, it is you and your employer’s responsibility to prepare and keep sufficient records, in the event that they are required for future immigration applications

The ISSO requires submission of a job offer letter (or other proof of employment) for OPT Reporting Requests. An ideal job offer letter or employment verification document includes:

  • Company letterhead
  • Employer name
  • Start date, and if applicable, end date
  • Work-site location and, if different, company mailing address
  • Average hours per week
  • Summary or list of job duties

You must also write a brief description of how the job relates to your degree program. Two to four sentences are sufficient. This description will be pasted into your SEVIS record when an ISSO advisor processes your OPT Reporting request, so ensure that it is clear, thorough, and professional. Save a copy of this description for your own records. An ideal description includes:

  • Employer name
  • Job Title
  • Major area of study
  • Hours per week
  • Regular duties
  • Brief explanation of how the job is directly related to the studies. For example, you can explain how the job duties relate to what you learned in your courses for your degree.

Example descriptions:

  • I am employed as a Computer and Information Research Scientist at ABC Research Institute. I work 30 hours a week as part of a team of scientists and engineers that designs experiments to test the operation of various software systems. My work builds on research in complex algorithms and machine learning, which I studied as part of my dissertation.
  • I am working 25 hours a week in a health food store as a consultant for Self-Made Inc., designing and teaching exercise classes that are incorporated into a customer’s overall nutrition and exercise plan. My designs and customer instruction draw upon my studies and classwork in exercise therapy and physical reconditioning.
  • I work full time as an Electrical Engineer at ABC Corp., a government contractor. In my job, I analyze client requirements for electrical systems and provide them with cost estimates of such systems. My work requires an understanding of electrical circuit theory, which I studied in-depth at UTD.

OPT Frequently Ask Questions

When can I start working?

You may not lawfully begin employment, or pre-employment training, until you receive your EAD and the start date has arrived. If you work during a gap between previous work authorization (such as CPT or on-campus work) and the start of your OPT authorization, you violate your F-1 status.

What kinds of jobs can I take?

DHS has ruled that acceptable employment during OPT can include standard employment, contract employment, self-employment and volunteer positions. All employment must be directly related to your degree and must be more than 20 hours per week. Please refer to the following chart for more details.

Single Employer

Working in a paid position with an employer.

Multiple Employers

A student may work for more than one employer, but all employment must meet the requirements for OPT (directly related to the degree program and more than 20 hours per week).

None – Actively Seeking Employment

To remain in the U.S., you must be actively looking for relevant employment. In order to maintain your visa status, you must limit unemployment while on OPT to a total of 90 days during your 12 months of Post-Completion OPT.

Work for Hire (Contract Employment)

Commonly referred to as 1099 employment, where an individual performs a service based on a contractual relationship rather than an employment relationship. If requested by DHS, you must be able to provide evidence that you worked an average of more than 20 hours per week, as well as evidence showing the duration of the contract and the name and address of the contracting company.

Employment through an agency or consulting firm

If requested by DHS, you must be able to provide evidence showing that you worked an average of more than 20 hours per week.

Unpaid Volunteer or Intern

A student may work as a volunteer or unpaid intern, where this practice does not violate any labor laws. If requested by DHS, you must be able to provide evidence that you worked an average of more than 20 hours per week. This option is not available to students during the 24-month OPT extension period.

Self-Employed U.S. Business Owner

On the OPT reporting form, list your company’s name or print “Self-Employed” and the business address. This location may be the same as your personal address. If requested by DHS, you must be able to provide evidence that you have proper business licenses, the business is related to your degree, and that the business keeps you full-time employed.

Can I volunteer for a UT Dallas professor and report it as employment?

UT Dallas does not permit alumni to volunteer on campus. While the immigration regulations allow volunteer and unpaid work during OPT, university policy does not allow it on the UT Dallas campus.

How long can I be unemployed during my OPT period?

During your 12 months of Post-Completion OPT, you can be unemployed for a maximum of 90 days (including holidays and weekends). It is crucial that you report all periods of employment to avoid unnecessary accrual of unemployment days.

Unemployment days begin accruing on your EAD start date. Unemployment days do not accrue during the time between your graduation and the start date listed on your EAD card. Approved time off from work, such as approved vacation leave or company holidays, is not considered unemployment.

What if I exceed 90 days of unemployment?

If you exceed 90 days of unemployment, you have violated your F-1 status. DHS may terminate your SEVIS record and you may be subject to deportation. You should take action before accruing 90 days of unemployment to maintain valid F-1 status. If you are unable to find sufficient employment, you can:

  • Begin a new program at UT Dallas
  • Transfer your SEVIS record to another U.S. institution.
  • Depart the U.S.
Can I work OPT employment remotely from abroad?

In general, work during F-1 employment authorization periods should not be conducted remotely while you are outside of the country. Time abroad during OPT/STEM may also be counted as unemployed time by USCIS. Please see our Travel during CPT/OPT/STEM newsletter for more information.

Why will continued probation students not receive early recommendation for OPT?

Issuing an OPT I-20 when there is a possibility of dismissal significantly endangers your F-1 status. Depending on the circumstances, it can cause complications or even total loss of your legal status in the United States, and it also shortens the amount of time to salvage your status if you fail to graduate as planned. In addition, there is a general expectation in the spirit of the F-1 regulations that off-campus employment authorizations should be recommended while in good academic standing.

You may apply for a Post-Completion OPT I-20 at the end of the term, after your final grades have been posted and you receive confirmation that you will graduate as expected. You still have a 60 day period after your program end date to apply for Post-Completion OPT.